Contact Page

I would love to learn more about you! Head over to my contact page and tell me all the things.

What I've learned over the many transitions is that to start on the fast track towards becoming friends, you need to get honest and vulnerable quickly. It won’t take long for you to discover if you’re on your way towards true deep friendship or not. [Just a note that the “not” is okay. We cannot be everything to everyone.] So here’s me getting vulnerable and providing some backstory about who I am and how I got here.

I’m currently living in my 19th permanent address.

If you’ve made it to this page, we are well on our way to becoming friends, so I’m just going to claim it now.

You are welcome here.

Hey Friend!

We live a full and vibrant life in this space: we regularly host, have celebrations, build community, do normal life stuff, run my small business, and get lots of snuggles from Ryn. We are hoping to add kiddos to the mix one day soon too.

I have learned how to decorate some narrow and awkward spaces as I work to transform this house into a home. 

And stairs taking up a good portion of that space. 

Our home is 12’8” wide... total. 

Shortly after Sean and I got married, we bought a new construction rowhome together. 

Photo credit: McShea Photography

Yes, that's rain on our wedding day. 

All my worldly belongings packed for moving. 

About a year into living here, I started attending a local church in the Brewerytown/Fairmount neighborhood where I still live. It was there I met my husband and really learned what it meant to live in community with others. Even though we live in a huge city, we have a small-town vibe to our neighborhood. Most of our friends are walking distance to our house. We go to the same restaurants, play in the same parks, and cross paths frequently.

I didn’t know it then, but this move to Philadelphia would lead to the most transformative time in my life and my faith.

At some point after an overseas contract ended, my sister suggested the idea of studying graphic design. Back to school I went to pursue a total career change doing something I would grow to love. Quickly afterwards, I accepted a job at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, packed up what I could fit in my beloved X-terra, and made the journey from Atlanta. 

Oh Hey!

Fourteen of my address changes happened from college on: some for jobs, some for adventure.

I was raised in a small mountain town in North Georgia until just before fourth grade when we moved to a suburb of Philadelphia. What a transition! After that, my family would move every few years following jobs. I did get to go to the same school system from eighth–twelfth grade, but then I had the itch for change and went out of state for college. 

My Story

Art weekend in NYC with my Immersion Course besties.

I left my job at the museum in order to pursue being a full-time graphic design entrepreneur. Around the same time, I discovered surface pattern design and through a lot of work and learning, I’m now comfortable calling myself an artist. My business has been growing slowly because it’s been changing focus a lot over the last couple years, but I am learning and loving all the pivots that have come my way. This path has not been a straight line, but it has been good. 

Where I am today...

I have a passion for bringing beauty, function, and organization to the spaces around me.

My life has been forever changed because of Christ and the community I have built intentionally.

I am using the narrow spaces God has planted me in to thrive.

Three Truths

I want to help you do the same.

What to Expect

You'll get an honest look inside my real life here, art included. I will show you how I’m transforming and using my spaces while building deep friendships in my home. My hope is you gain practical insight about how to transform your home and create thriving relationships exactly where you are right now. You can do this in a college dorm, rented apartment, narrow house, anywhere. We were made to live in community with others and life is lived at home. 

Let’s make the most of our community and spaces together.

Quiet time with Mom

Playing in the park

All smiles :)

She does not love strangers and is quite territorial. She does love other dogs and has several good dog friends on the street including Rocky, her bff. Ryn never likes to be alone and wants the backdoor open rain, snow, or shine so she can defend our back patio from birds, squirrels, and bugs. She’s very obedient but does not like baths or car rides. She’s got her quirks, but we love her and the joyful chaos she brings to our family.

Sitting pretty

Gotcha Day June 2020


My business’s namesake, Ryn Louise, is a rescue we got as a puppy in June of 2020. According to her DNA test, she’s about 40% Australian Cattle Dog, 20% Australian Shepherd, and the rest is a mix of German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Border Collie and more. She loves to bark and is very loud. 

I am Ryn’s person undoubtedly, but she loves Sean too. She likes to snuggle in between us. Her love languages are play, snacks, play, walks, play, snuggles, and play. Her favorite game is soccer. She’s developed an impressive skill and thinks anytime we move means it’s playtime. A ball is always nearby. 

About Ryn







Because life is lived at home.

instagram is kinda my thing

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